1. The air is all smoky this morning, but thankfully it had thinned a bit by the time I went for my run. I did a mile warm-up then 8x800 and a mile and a half cool down. I must be learning to like them a little because they seemed to go faster than they normally do or maybe it was the podcast I was listening to about ghost stories that was freaking me out a little and keeping me distracted. It is called The Anything Ghost Show. I found it randomly and decided to try it out. Sometimes it is kind of fun to listen to that kind of stuff and sometimes I just can't because I will freak myself out too much! This was freaking me out! I don't think I will listen to that one again.
3. So tired of grasshoppers. They are devoured what was left of my garden, as I was running today I ran by this chokecherry bush. It was nearly completely stripped of its leaves. When I run I can feel their little bodies crunch under my feet every couple of steps. So gross.
Here is a picture of the bush up really close the whole thing looked like this.
Finally don't forget about my Tommie Copper calf sleeves giveaway if you haven't already,
Do you like to scare yourself sometimes by listening to, reading or watching scary things?
yikes totally crazy grasshoppers!! we have had mosquitoes horribly this year and of course they think i am like a gourmet meal, so not really a bug fan at the moment
ReplyDeletei loooove scary stuff. But i can freak myself out so easily! Will definitely check out that podcast. :)
ReplyDeleteI love scary stuff, but only in the company of others! I'm too freaked out to watch or listen to this stuff on my own!
ReplyDeleteI'm a total ghost nerd. I watch shows about ghosts, I read about them, everything. Borderline obsessed with them. Ok, now I just sound like a ghost freak. Stopping now.
ReplyDeleteI scare the crap out of myself with scary stuff. I'm a giant wuss.
ReplyDeleteI am excited to hear about your team. I live right here in Williamsport PA but I avoid going to the actual games but I watched the game on TV. It was a great game!!
ReplyDeleteGrasshoppers are so creepy! I hate crunching on bugs more than anything! This may make me reconsider my "move to MT" plans. :)
ReplyDeleteI have to tell you pretty soon those little buggers will be everywhere! I was attacked by them while running last year!
ReplyDeleteI was watching part of that game yesterday between CA and MT, that was a classic game! I had to go to yoga before it was over, it was going to extra innings when I left. Good luck to Montana!
ReplyDeleteThose grasshoppers are gross. Glad the speed work is going well....intervals scare me.
ReplyDeleteI can't watch scary movies on my own (and it has to be classic, gorey scary, not that shock scary stuff), but I'm fascinated by the paranormal shows ... except "Scariest Places". The voice of that show's narrator freaks my $#!@ out!
ReplyDeleteOh I am such a wimp and hate being scared! Great job with the 800s and I am being infested by grosshoppers as well. My dog always gets distracted on our runs and just tried to eat all the grasshoppers. ha!
ReplyDeleteI can't handle scary things at all! Movies, stories, anything--I'm a big baby!
I don't do scary or very sad. I turn the channel on the tv so I don't have to watch SPCA or World Vision ads... or promos for scary movies.
ReplyDeleteAfter I saw the Exorcist I couldn't sleep for weeks! Arghhh that voice!
I hate scarey things. I hate it when a vampire is shown on TV. It ok if my hubby is home, but if I'm alone no way. I'M scared of my own shadow. ha
ReplyDeleteAh, sorry about that, for some reason I thought you were doing HTC, forgot that you were an alternate. I removed your name from the list just so others wouldn't get confused.
ReplyDeleteI like a good scare sometimes! I read a book called The Passage that actually made me want to sleep with the light on for the first time in years.
ReplyDeleteI do not watch thrillers of any kind or scary movies. I don't like listening to stories that make me nervous or anxious either. I like to fill my life with fluffy pretty happy stuff - like romantic comedies. :)
ReplyDeleteI am not a fan of scary movies or scary stuff in general......tappan always tries to get me to watch them, but I always turn away and ignore whatever's on.
ReplyDeleteLast night we watched some sort of ghost hunting show. The lead guy to me is sorta crazy because he is very confrontational with those "spirits." I am not sure if I believe in all that. I am not sure if I want to be confirmed on the theory either. LOL! So I am intrigued by these shows and a lot seem to play at night. Extra creepy!!!