Monday, October 31, 2011

Motivation Monday

 Happy Halloween everyone!  Hope you all have a great one.  Though I would share some more great stuff that I found on Pinterest this weekend.   I love that site! I have been pretty good about not being on there obsessively like I thought I would.  I love this next saying.  I hate it when people drag themselves down and yes I am guilty of it too.  I think it is a great reminder.
 We should celebrate our strengths and the things we do love about ourselves instead of concentrating on the things we don't.  Especially the things I am not able to change.  I think I am usually pretty good about embracing myself and my body and loving it.  The older I get the easier I get, but I still have the areas I wish I could change. 
 Sometimes I think when I am having a great run it does feel a little bit like flying.  I love that feeling.  Yesterday I had such a great run.  I wanted to run all day, too bad I had other things I had to do too :) I do love the feeling of racing my heart out too. 
I am always having to remind myself that running is as mental as it is physical, if not more!  Good thing my mind is so in love with running!

Have a great Halloween everyone! What are some of your reasons to run?  What do you do when you hear someone degrading themself?  I try to remind them of all the great things about themself and give them examples of why it isn't so bad really. 


  1. I totally had to steal that first poster and share it on FB. Loved it!!

  2. I run because it makes me feel strong and capable!
    Love the posters. Happy Halloween!

  3. love this post and the first photo/quote is my fav!

    I run b/c it makes me feel good about myself, gives me confidence (not that I need anymore :P), gets me out of the house, frees me from stress. I like it b/c it's a constant uphill struggle and you can always get better! YAY

    PS: GO enter my giveaway :)

  4. This post was spot on! Excellent! I run because I am not going to let my self just get old! I want to be young and feel young. I want to show those who just say they can't that they can.

  5. Love the first picture. I have to steal that one!! Great post in general! Loved it!!

  6. The number one reason that I run is because it really makes me feel great. I like it physically, but the mental aspect of it fully blows me out of the water.

    It keeps me grounded mentally and reduces anxiety in my real life so significantly that I can't imagine what life would be like without running.

    If I am feeling bad about myself, I just have to put things into perspective. This is especially easy when I think about all the stuff that I see at work in the trauma ICU every day. Now THOSE people have it tough!

  7. Happy Halloween! Thanks for sharing Christy, have a great day. I can't wait to see your kiddos costumes. :)

  8. I run because it makes me feel strong and because I want to show my girls that you can do anything (even find time to run with 4 kids and a full time job!) and because I enjoy it.
    I am very guilty of putting myself down mentally, I don't know why I do it, but I do. It's hard, but I think (hope) I'm getting better!
    Happy Halloween, can't wait to see pics of your kiddos in costume.

  9. I love all of those but the first is great!! it really has nothing to do with the others for me but myself and i love it that way!

  10. Awesome motivators! I love pinterest as well and probably peak through it once every week or two. I've found some great things including a Nike ad that I found in a triathlon magazine from 1993 or 94 that I had on my fridge for about 5 years.

  11. Wel, like it says above, I run because I can. That's it. My mom is disabled and can barely walk, let alone run but she is my biggest supporter. And since she can't run, I do! And thankfully I love it (and that adrenaline you get when you see the finish)! Thanks for the inspiration today! Happy Halloween!

  12. love the motivators..especially the week of nyc marathon. thanks!

  13. I love the motivators... especially the first one! Awesome!

  14. oh this is too good! I'm going to have to share this on my Runninghood facebook sometime this week! Some great stuff. I have not checked out that Pinterest thing...I just can't do one more thing...I'm already addicted enough to facebook, blogs, e-mail... haha. This makes me think that I really need to go easier on myself...and I have been. yesterday I found myself feeling like I was sucking big time with getting everything done and I just said "oh well, what are you doing right?!" and it totally helped.

  15. I love your pins! I especially like the self degradation one. Some women talk such shit about themselves. I mean, they wouldn't even be friends with someone who talked about them like that, so why do they do it? Boggles my mind.

  16. i love these, thanks for the inspiration!

  17. Wow. I really like the one about self-degradation. I need to remember this... and share with friends who constantly complain about themselves.


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