1. I am about four weeks out from my my last race and am now starting to think about next year finally. It feels good to be not training, just running to maintain. Running for me. I am starting to formulate a plan to get me through the winter. It won't really be set in stone as it will always depend on the weather. I am thinking I will keep my long runs between 7 and 10 miles. I will start doing aggressive hill workouts once a week to build strength and the other two days I run will be whatever I feel like. If I want an easy run, a progressive run, fartleks, intervals, whatever I feel like that day. I only usually run four days a week because the days I work tend to be to crazy to fit in running unless I get off work early so that is always a bonus run. I am also going to try to fit in three
BodyRock.tv workouts a week to keep my core strong and maintain my pipes :) The days it is too nasty out to run I will have to make do with my elliptical machine. Not the same but it seems to get the job done and I can read at the same time. (Bonus!) Not an extremely detailed plan I know but I think around the first of the year I will start refining it a little more. My first race next year will be a 5k on St Patrick's Day
2. I finally gave in and checked out Pinterest (like I really needed another time suck) but I am loving it, even though I can't just join I am on a waiting list to get invited. What is up with that? Oh well like I said I don't really need to be wasting more time on the computer. I did find some cool running inspiration though! I hope my invitation comes soon! Anyone know how long you have to wait to get on?

3. If you haven't already entered my giveaway for a Sparkly Soul headband you have until Saturday to do so. I have the blue narrow and the wide green band. I love them both. You can also get 15% off your order until 10-16 bu using the discount code CHRISTYRUNS when you check out. Pretty sure I am going to get a black one next. Or maybe gold. Such a hard decision, I want them all! Check out the giveaway
HERE. you can get a bonus entry every day for voting for me
HERE on Team Refuel! I am so ready to quit begging for votes and find out if all my begging is going pay off :)
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ReplyDeletewhat is pinterest???
ReplyDeletehappy running grl-enjoy it
will check out your giveaway, love a good headband!
I really need to check out BodyRock.tv. I do BodyPump at the gym but there is only one class a week that I can actually make it to!
ReplyDeleteI can send you a Pinterest invite- it might be faster than waiting for them to send one to the email you have here on your blog. I will try it out :) and you can just ignore it if you already got one!
Voted for you!
ReplyDeleteI'm still staying away from Pintrest. Then I'd really have no free time :)
waiting list?!?! didn't realize that. voted for you again
ReplyDeleteYou can get in immediately by having someone send you an invite. Looks like you had someone else offer, but if you need one, let me know and you can be in. Though it's the black hole of web surfing and SUCKS YOU IN. lol
ReplyDeleteomg! I'm on that damn time sucker every day! Pinterest I mean. I had to wait like a day to 'get approved' or whatever. No biggie.
ReplyDeleteFind me on there, if you can, or send me an email with your Pinterest name or whatever and I'll find you!
It's soooo addictive. I already have a kazillion new recipes, want to re-decorate my entire house, found tons of fitness inspiration, and about a million ideas for fashion. IT's GREAT!
haha i also sent you a pinterest invite, and then came and read the comments and saw you've already gotten at least one.
ReplyDeletefind me on there!!
oh pintrest, the bane of my existence. I refuse to join, just bc it'll be another social media addiction...but i can't help but sneak peeks every so often
ReplyDeleteI joined Pinterest and it took like 20 minutes I got an invite. Thanks for reminding me I haven't used it yet. lol
ReplyDeleteIt's so good to "just run" sometimes without a schedule or something you're training for. It reminds us why we run to begin with. I LOVE the inspirational stuff ... I might steal a couple - ha!
ReplyDeleteI'm a little envious that you are in a "joy of running" downtime phase. It sounds so refreshing, a great way to handle the cold months. I bet St. Patrick's Day will be a big party day for you, though! :^)
ReplyDeleteI only had to wait a day or two before I was "invited" lol
ReplyDeleteI am so out of the loop! Have to go check out Pinterest now.
ReplyDeleteThose running pictures are beyond awesome! Thank you for posting those!
ReplyDeleteI am jealous of your "free" time for running! Although I if I didn't have a race to train for, I would be pretty lazy.
ReplyDeleteI see many other people offered to invite you to Pinterest, but I can do it if nobody else does!
i am TRYING to keep pinterest from taking over my life but its the running quotes that totally keep me coming back :)
ReplyDeleteI find GREAT posters and sayings on Pinterest. I love looking at all the fashion pics, too...and home decorating pictures...and traveling pictures. YA!! TOTAL TIME SUCK! Don't go there :p
ReplyDeleteLove the signs you posted! Especially the "just run". :)
ReplyDeleteOk, I'm intrigued - where does the "three things Thursday" come from?! I tried a google search and I got lots of running blogs (no surprises there) but no explanation!
ReplyDeleteHi :)
ReplyDeleteStopping by from I'd Rather Run Outside!
I always think that I'll be happy to run without a training plan until my training plan ends and then I feel lost.
I love pinterest! It took me a couple days to hear from them. I find a lot of good quotes in there. I've been planning out my training (tentative) for the winter and next year. I don't have any specific races, just know the distances I want to race. There's a slow race in March that I took third in with what I thought was a slow (but fast for me) pace to finish that high so I may start with that one as I'm a bit faster and go for a win (who ever would've thought a 7+ min per mile in a 6k trail run that's not that difficult could have a chance to win????). I'm hoping for a couple marathons and 50k's and a possible 50 miler. Maybe a 5k or two as I'd like to get under 19.