Thursday, February 23, 2012

Somedays its okay not to do anything.

Some days it is okay to take a break from life.  Take yesterday for example I had a busy day planned but I spent a rather sleepless light with chills and a headache.  The kids weren't feeling good either so I cancelled their dentist appointment for the SECOND time.  The first time being when I had jury duty.  I think they think I am a total flake.

Every time the kids have a dentist appointment something comes up and I have to reschedule. I hate even calling to do it, but do they want a puking child in their chair.  I would think not.  I can hear the doubt in their voice as I give them the reason why I have to reschedule.  I know it kills their schedule too and for that I feel awful, but hey I did not plan either my kids or me getting sick or jury duty for that matter.

I also did not run yesterday.  I wanted to until I tried to do ZWOW #5.  I finished it, but I was left feeling so weak and wiped out.  So, I gave myself the day off from running. Not even sure why I thought doing the ZWOW workout was a good idea.  Some days it really isn't worth it. Especially since it was also raining and really windy.  Like really windy.

I also didn't cook anything.  Not unless you count toast and reheating leftovers.  I was tired, didn't feel very good and just wanted to lay in bed.  Since I also had two sick kids I couldn't just lay in bed, but I could minimize how much time I had to spend in the kitchen slaving away.  I don't like it on a good day and certainly not when I am sick.

I let the laundry sit in piles.  It will always be there anyway. I knew if the kids were going to be sick all day there was a strong possibility of the laundry accumulating, but some days it is okay to ignore it and walk away. 

Today I feel so much better and have plans to run.  Sadly even though it is my DAY OFF  I have to go to work from 10-2 ish for meetings..  Big boo.  This will really cut into my me time today.   But at least I am feeling better and so are the kids.  

My legs are so ready to run!  Can't wait!


  1. Some days it is definitely nice to have a break from everything so you are refreshed...hope everyone is feeling better!

  2. Some days life happens and it gets in the way of what we WANT to do. You'll get right back into it though once life settles down :)

  3. I couldn't agree more! Someday we just have to say NO.. and do nothing! Good for you!

  4. That was my Wednesday last week. I did NOTHING and it was kind of glorious.

  5. Glad you are feeling better today, and hope you really enjoy that run. Yup, laundry will always be there! :)

  6. Glad you're feeling better - hope you get a good run in and who cares about the dentist. Although I'd never want someone looking in my mouth to dislike me ;) lol I love doing nothing....I have to do laundry thanks for reminding me!

  7. I'm glad you took some time to rest.
    I hate calling a Dr. or dentist office to reschedule. They always seem to doubt you. Ugg, hate that feeling. Why do they make us feel so bad? Our time is just as important as theirs and we are paying them. Eventually, when we get to the appointment. heehee
    I hope you all are on the mend and you have a fab run today.

  8. I hope your family is on the mend! Darn meetings! Have a great run:)

  9. Glad you are feeling better and I hope your meetings go well!

  10. I've taken a week :( Got hit by the flu and have barely done anything for a whole week now. So it's definitely ok to take a day! Hope you're all feeling better. x

  11. Sometimes all you need is a little rest to feel ready to rock on your next run.

  12. Your so right. Sometimes you just need to take a day of and not fret about it. That is the problem. I glad you are feeling better. Hope you are able to get your run in today. Take care.

  13. those days are necessary sometimes just to detach from everything and maintain a sense of sanity. hope that the little ones are feeling better soon, i guess it's that time of the year when germs are festering in our homes just waiting to knock us out.

  14. We're living parallel lives, Christy. I've been home sick with a really nasty cold for several days and missed work Tuesday and yesterday. Today I woke up feeling MUCH better, ready to run....and my daughter spent an hour throwing up. So I'm *hoping* to get 30 minutes in when my husband gets home from work tonight, but I'm notorious for being a bad night runner. I just wilt after 5 p.m.

    At least some of the chores that piled up while I was sick are getting done. There's nothing else to do when you're trapped at home with kids, right?

  15. I totally agree! Sometimes you need a day off. I hear you on both the sick kids and the wind! You guys must have sent it our way. I really hope you are feeling better and get to go run!!

  16. Much needed breaks are necessary especially when life is as busy as yours!

  17. Glad you're feeling better! There is AlWaYs tomorrow! (Just don't use that excuse too often LOL) ;o)

  18. Yes, there are days like this. Stopping everything for a day is a much needed mental, physical, intellectual vacation.

  19. I hope all of you are back to feeling 100% asap.
    no fun to be sick while the little ones are also sick...

  20. Love that quote. Just perfect. I'm so glad you are feeling better and glad you took the time to recover!

  21. We all need time to ourselves sometimes!

    I was off yesterday and today and I'm just trying to catch up with my life...I had been so busy with work for a few days and am SO behind on my e-mails and planning and life, etc. So I'm hoping to catch up and hit the reset button today haha.

  22. i love that picture! its so so true!


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