Friday, March 9, 2012

Two Heads are Better than One and Random

 My daughter fell asleep helping me make supper the other night.  I love that her head was right next to the head of cauliflower.
 and now for some random things I found on Pinterest that I liked
 this one is so true.. I need to quit thinking about that marathon and sign up already.

 this was really cracked me up.  I have always loved being a redhead, but there is such a thing as gingerism or descriminating against a person because they have red hair.  I have never experienced that, but I do get made fun of.  Redheads have such tempers( not me of course but others do) , and we tend to bleed more during surgery and child birth.  We also are more likely to have a gene that makes us require more numbing medicine at the dentists office (I can tell you that is so true)!
Happy Friday everyone!


  1. That's a great picture...kind of makes me wish I'd sometime get so tired I could fall asleep on the counter.

  2. aaaaaw - so cute! You get great photos of your kids! BTW - I have always wanted to be a ginger! A couple of years ago a student told me was my hair was dirty blond. After all the ribbing I gave him for that comment he came back days later and told me it was the color of golden wheat - MUCH better!

  3. I love the picture, 2 heads indeed, how cute! I love how kids will sleep just about anywhere.

  4. HAHA!!!!!! She fell asleep like that! PRICELESS!

  5. So sweet!

    Go get that marathon!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. That's a great pic of your daughter. Mine have never, ever fallen asleep randomly like that--what am I doing wrong!?

  7. Cannot believe she fell asleep right there--too cute!
    My sister is a redhead and has had pure hell at the dentist. Now I know why. EEK!

  8. Yup, sign up for that marathon! I just signed up to run the Portland Marathon the other night. If I can do it, you can too.

  9. I love the pic of your daughter! You must have really tired her out with the cooking! :)

  10. Love the Red head picture. ha ha! My little brother that passed away was a red head and I can totally agree with everything you said. All red heads are fiesty wether they admit it or not. ;) Have a great weekend Christy.

  11. What a cutie pie she is asleep on the counter with the cauliflower! I have so many redheads in my family and I kept hoping I'd have one, but no luck! I want red hair too!

  12. How cute! My sister would fall asleep in random places like that when we were little.

  13. Seriously...sign up already :). I hope your next post is the story about how you signed up for a marathon!

  14. love that she just fell asleep next to the cauliflower - so funny! Sign up for the marathon! You will do awesome!

  15. Sign up right now before you have time to change your mind! You can do it!

  16. Fun post, Red! And yes, just DO IT!

    Such a cute picture of your daughter.

  17. You totally amaze me!! There is NO WAY I could run 8 miles and then sit in a work meeting without sweating and stinking everyone out of the building!!

    You can rock the marathon-DO IT!! We'll cheer you on!

  18. Goodness sake that pic of your daughter, priceless. I love it.
    Sign up for that marathon already.
    DO IT!!


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