Saturday, September 1, 2012

It is just so hard to be good

My running plans seem so up in the air right now.  I strained my hamsting when I nearly fell at the end of my second leg at Hood to Coast.  I didn't think it was too bad until I tried to do an interval workout Thursday morning at it started to feel like someone was taking a saw to it while I was running. So ...I am back to biking and the elliptical so that can heal up. 

I did a slow quarter of a mile this morning just to see how it felt.  Not bad but I knew it still wouldn't be fun to run on.  I knew I shouldn't have, but sometimes I just can't help myself.  No kids and perfect morning weather and I can't run.  Feels like I am having to sit with my nose in the corner.

I was really hoping to do a half marathon in September but it isn't looking so good right now. UGH!  I feel like I have been so frustrated with my running since I ran my first marathon July 8th. It has just been one thing after another

I went to physical therapy Thursday for my lateral hip pain which has been in a constant problem since sometime in March or April.  Once I get warmed up it doesn't bother me, but it is the getting out of chairs after a hard run that does.  After my first leg of Hood to Coast I could hardly walk every time I got out of the van.

I got some stretchy therapy bands and some excercises to do at home.  My kids love to play with the bands so I am going to have to keep a careful eye on them so I don't lose them.

In totally unrelated non running news

Rocky is now litter box trained and pooping and peeing all by herself!  Still on the bottle.  I am hoping she will figure out the eating thing soon, but it is kind of fun to sit and snuggle with her while she nurses on her bottle.  She is also getting very fun and playful and will follow me around the house while I clean.  I took her outside last night and she thought the bigger cat looked like a fun play buddy until Tip boxed her ears.  Life has hard lessons sometimes!

Cola didn't want to be left out of the picture, it is hard to get a picture of a small cat that doesn't want to hold still!

My son reported last night that he is getting chased around at recess by a first grade girl and she is putting rocks down his shirt.  I told him that girls chase boys when they like them.  He thought that was pretty cool.  Camry is a friend of his older cousins and he really likes her.  I asked if he put rocks down her shirt and he said "Yeah, that is where we have a problem, I don't want to go to the principals office"  Too cute!


  1. Ah, yes, chasing boys! So cute.

    Glad to hear that your kitty is doing well - cannnot believe how much she has grown!

    Hope you can refrain from running long enough to let that injury heal up. I am sorry that it must be so hard for you! It seems that 26.2 miles really takes a toll on one's body.

    Hope you and the family have a nice long weekend.

  2. It's so hard not to run when you have an injury, but I'm glad you're listening to your body now so you don't make it worse and delay running even more. Hopefully the exercises will help speed up recovery. Every time you post pics of the kitty I want to steal it :)

  3. Yay for Rocky!!!! It is hard when you have an injury. Best to rest!

  4. oh, chasing boys, adorable! sorry you're struggling with the injury, hopefully with a little rest you'll be as good as new!

  5. Sorry to hear about your hamstring. Stay off of it and let it heal. I was an idiot about mine and it kept me from running for a few months. So glad to hear that Rocky is growing up and and learning to do things on her own. She is lucky that someone like you found her and takes good care of her.

  6. I'm sorry to hear about your legs!! Perhaps a little cross training without running for a short bit might let them heal so you can be back to new. Good luck with it!!!

  7. The kitten just keeps getting cuter! I love Cola's facial expression in that picture :)

  8. At my kids' school it's apparently boys chasing girls--one of the other moms was all worried about it but my daughter Ruthie is pretty chill and I remember this from when I was that age. The teacher said if chasing happens you should just stop running away so it's not interesting for the chaser any more. Ruthie says that worked!

    You are being smart about taking care of yourself. Hopefully the stupid hamstring thing will ease up with some TLC.

  9. I hope you feel better soon. I had a few issues after my first marathon that led to some time off. Kitty is getting big and so cute!! I hope she gets the eating thing down too, for your sake:) ALthough the cuddling would be nice:)

  10. Hope that hamstring feels better soon. Rest up. You want to be able to come back strong, not half-strong. So do not neglect on the rest part.

    Love the whole "boy chase girl, girl chase boy" story. :) Kinda adorable, isn't it?

  11. Ugh! I'm sorry about all of the running issues! That seriously stinks. There's nothing worse than having great weather and not being able to run! Hopefully lots of RICE will help.

    That is too funny about your son!

  12. Sorry the injury has biten you :( What kind of exercises did they give you as I seem to have hip pain after a hard run too.


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