
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Babies, Nice weather, and Sock Decision Help

I think last week I promised a baby calf picture.  Check out this handsome little guy.
The little red calf was very curious about us and came up very close to the kids. 

Yesterday it warmed up to over 42 degrees and was sunny.  So nice out even my daughter wanted to run.  She ran up the hill to my grandma's house.

 I was a little worried about the MUD yesterday on the roads, especially since I had chosen a field route, but the snow up on top above my grandmother's house was pretty heavy still and I didn't have to worry.  The roads were packed snow, but not icy.  Made for great running.  It was even warm enough to run in my skirt and short sleeve shirt.   

I did some hills in the first two miles and was feeling a little puky by the end of the second mile..ugh  Luckily I came out of it and went on to a grand total of 8 easy miles that felt pretty awesome.

Tough decisions... I am trying to decide which sock to order for my half marathon
this on from Tough Chik which is not compression
 or this one from PRO Compression which is compression.
I kind of prefer to run in compression for a half, but the Tough Chik design is pretty cute as well as way cheaper.  I know once PRO Compression puts theirs out I will have to decide fast since they could sell out fast.

 Which sock do you like better?


  1. That calf is so cute!!! I do love those socks but I have to say I like the Tough Chik one better.

  2. Aww baby cows :) super cute!

    I hate running on the snow here- because by the time i get to run on it, it's already melted and refrozen into ice not fun! (Your photos are always beautiful and so different than the landscape I see here)

    Both socks are pretty cool. I also like running in compression socks and have an all green pair. The tough chick ones have a cuter design.

  3. Love the calf pics!

    I agree with Nancy - the Tough Chik ones are really cute!

  4. The baby calf is super cute! I just found out last night that my parent's are finally selling their farm. Kind of bitter sweet, but at least it will stay in the family. My younger cousin and my two uncles are going to purchase it if all goes well.

    When I saw the pro compression socks last night I totally wanted the shamrock ones. I would go for those!

  5. oooh, I'm loving the pro compression socks, but that's mostly because I'm just partial to procompression in general.

    We are supposed to get up to 40 degrees today and I can't wait to run in it! Sadly, it's supposed to turn to snow and slush tonight.

  6. I'm kind of disappointed in the Pro Compression design this time. It just doesn't "do it" for me. I feel like the stripes should go further down, or not be there at all. I'm picky. In a perfect world, we could take the Tough Chik design and turn it into a compression sock!
    If I hadn't given up buying running apparel as part of my sacrifice for Lent, I'd buy the Tough Chik ones.

  7. I loooove the baby calf! So precious!

    I actually love the pro compression ones. They seem like you can wear them as lucky socks to any event, ya know?

  8. I like those black sleeve, the ones in the middle on the second photo! They're not as festive as the others though. I'm a fan of sleeves and not the full socks.

    I work on a horse farm and this time of year we have lots of new foals that are born. Some I get to see being born if it's during the day. Nothing sweeter than baby animals :)

  9. I'm liking the pro compression too-- at least there is more of a function behind it, you know?

  10. Get the Tough Chick ones and wear some compression sleeves beneath! I've done that before to get the benefit of compression and cuteness of regular socks.

    It also made my calves look huge, but I think that was a plus to scare away all the competition!

  11. I have some that look just like Tough Chik. They have a little bit of spandex in them. I wore them last year at the St.Patty race. That is hard though because like you I love ProCompression sock. Love the pictures of the calves. They are so darn cute.

  12. Love the calf. Adorable! I'd say I do like the TC socks, but if you are going to buy non-compression, wouldn't it be cheaper to go to Target and just get knee high socks?

  13. That calf is the cutest!!

    I love the TC socks, but if I were going non-compression, I'd probably just pick up something inexpensive at Target.

  14. That baby is SO cute! Love him! And I like the TC socks. :)


  15. So cute! (The calf and the socks :) I'm like you. I'd go for the first socks since they're cheaper and then wear compression gear after the race. Me = super cheap.

  16. Oh my goodness--I want to take that calf home! It's funny...must be birthing season all over for calfs? We've been noticing them on our last two weekend trips as we pass farms.

    I like the white shamrock socks--so cute!

  17. Pro Compression! That way you can wear them year round for their compression--and I like the more simplistic-softball look of them

  18. I'm loving the Pro Compression ones even though I'm Team Tough Chik. I just think compression is the way to go!

  19. I'd say go with Pro Compression. I do like the look better, but you'd also be sticking with what you usually do- compression socks for a half!

  20. My vote is for Tough Chik. I am all over cute socks:) The others are cute too though, so win-win:)

  21. oh my good lord what a cute little guy! love that pic.

    tough chik vote here but its fun just looking at all of them!

  22. Love the little Norman! So sweet.

    Can't advise on the socks... not really a fan of any of them!

  23. I think the TC ones are cuter but I'd go compression!

  24. I think it's silly to have a pair of running socks that are knee high that aren't compression! But that's just me. The TC design is cute though. CUTE calf :) I want one.

  25. Awe I want a baby calf of my own :-) precious!!
    I like the tough chik :-)

  26. aw- cute little calf! So great that your kids can experience things like that.
    I love compression, but those Tough Chik socks are dang cute.

  27. The Tough Chik sock is cuter! And for a half I don't know that you necessarily need compression anyway. Maybe you could put the compression on afterward?


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