
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Three Things Thursday

1.  Tuesday was supposed to be a rest day.  I got off work early and the weather was unbelievably awesome.  What is a girl to do.  Run of course!  I decided to do the Spartan WOD, but cut the mileage in half so instead of :
Run 1 mile  do 50-100 lunges
Run 1 mile do 50-100 bodyweight squats
Repeat 3 times with 50 Burpees after the third mile.
for a total of 6 miles
I did
Run half a mile 50 walking lunges
Run half a mile 50 bodyweight squats
Repeat three time
Run a quarter of a mile 25 walking lunges
Run a quarter of a mile 25 bodyweight squats
Total of 4 miles with a half mile cooldown.
I couldn't imagine doing 100 walking lunges or bodyweight squats each time, it started to get a little boring....not to mention my legs are sore now from just doing half as many!
2. Wednesday was supposed to be 800 intervals, but I could tell my legs were tired from doing 30 miles in the last four days so I scaled back and did some hill repeats instead and a total of 5 miles.  (is that scaling back)
I started by doing a 2 mile warmup which included a lot of downhill and then started back up the hill.  I would run two telephone poles up and one down, two poles up and one down, till I got back up to the top of the big hill.  Here is what it looks like according to my Garmin data.  Some poles are farther apart than others.
Today is a rest day for sure! 
3. I can feel even better about not doing my speedwork Wednesday because.. I am doing  a 5k Sunday and that is a lot like speedwork ;)  I will try to work in at least three more miles in warmup and cooldown.
Do you ever skip a rest day because the opportunity presents itself to run?  I do.


  1. I don't often workout hard enough to warrant a rest day! However, today is gentle because I have done a lot of ballet in the last two days (over five hours worth!). Everything feels a bit stretched and over-worked. But I do have a class lined up for tonight so might not end up resting!

    You are totally inspirational in your running :)

  2. I used to skip rest days if it was glorious weather or I just really felt like running, but with the RLRF plan, I'm scared to do that, so I take rest days and cross training days more seriously.

  3. I've never skip a workout, but I always rearrange my schedule from week to week, depending on my work days. Some days I just need to sit and do NOTHING! :)

  4. I don't think I have ever skipped a rest day. I live for them! I really look forward to my day off to do nothing. The weather has been really nice so I can totally see where you would get the temptation though.

  5. Holy cow look at that elevation profile!! Insane girl... insane!

  6. i love you you said you needed to rest your legs so you did hill repeats intead- too funny. 30 miles in a few days is definitely impressive and i'd say you earned your day off!

  7. I think I may have to try that workout! But, like you I may cut it in half! That's pretty intense!

  8. Holy crap that elevation looks insane, and that workout hurts my legs just thinking about it! I might run on a rest day with perfect conditions like you had, but I'll definitely make up that rest day! Sometimes I try to plan mine around the weather anyway.

  9. Whew I'm tired from reading that! Sounds like a great workout! Best of luck in your 5K! And yes, I do workout occasionally on rest days if given the opportunity!

  10. Using the telephone poles is a great way of doing hill repeats!
    The last time I did hill repeats it was a really hot day so I chose a nice tree-lined street - well the tree roots had buckled the pavement so much it was more like a trail run in the forest! Fun though.

  11. After a long winter it is hard for me to take rest days when the sun is finally out and the temps are not freezing! That Spartan workout sounds let me lay down and rest killer!

  12. I love your side bar (Is that scaling back)?? That made me laugh! My legs started aching just reading about all of that. I did some hill repeats last night. I kinda love them....but only once in awhile. :)

    I ordered a Kona Kase and used your discount :)

  13. That's an awesome workout dude! Yeah, I skip off days when the weather's perfect ... but I could never do 50 burpees, especially after the workout - if you can complete that you're a super studly gal.

  14. I am glad you went out and enjoyed the day! We should always get outside if it's a nice one! I will switch my workouts up all the time when it's a nice day. You don't want to waste it!


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