Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Running on Empty

I have mentioned before that I like to listen to podcasts while running.  Marathon Training Academy is one that I listen to quite a bit, and their latest podcast is about avoiding bonking and cramping during a marathon. Pretty interesting.  I listened pretty carefully to what they had to say since I major bonked on my first and so far only marathon.

One of the things they talk about is not eating before runs..very interesting and something I NEVER would have considered before this year.  I was always convinced I would have a crappy run if I didn't eat first.  Turns out I was so wrong. 
Your muscle glycogen (80% of total glycogen stores) remains intact even after a night of sleep. Even if your stomach is feeling hungry your muscles are fueled and ready to go. Just take a gel about 5 minutes before your race or long run and you’re primed for a successful race. If you feel the need to eat pre-race make sure that you do it at least 3 hours prior to the starting time.  source
I have been doing all of my early morning runs and bike rides lately on an empty stomach and a cup of coffee.  I haven't missed breakfast so far.

Sunday I did my long run of 6.5 miles and I can't even begin to describe how good it feels to be almost back up to 7 miles.  I thought about going for it. I was really only going to do 6 miles but when I got home I realized we hadn't picked up the mail Saturday and the mailbox is a quarter mile from our house so I ran down and got it.

Yesterday I threw in some burpees at my turn around point just for fun cause I am crazy like that I guess.  I love the way Cola is looking at me here, probably thinking I am crazy.

I also took the kids down to swim lessons and happened to stop by a store that had some small evergreens and shrubs on sale.  I have been wanting to buy some, but find that while I have no problem dropping $100 dollars on running shoes, $20 for a tree or $12 for a shrub is too pricey.
Luckily these were all marked 50% or more off.  I picked out 9 shrubs and 3 small trees.  After I checked out I discovered they were all marked down even further to 80% off.. SCORE!
Of course then I had to go home and dig 12 holes in the 85 degree heat, I was sweating like crazy when I got done and ready to go in and put my feet up.  Then I remembered the 24 pounds of peaches that needed to be processed.  That pretty much consumed the rest of my afternoon. 14 pints and 3 quarts later I was done. I think I probably ate at least 4 peaches during the process, talk about yummy!
Do you ever run on empty in the mornings or do you feel like you need to fuel first?


  1. I usually eat an hour before long runs, but it probably works out to three hours before actual races. If my stomach feels hungry, I usually feel nauseous on the run, so I definitely need to eat.

  2. That is interesting, I was just questioning if I should eat before long runs, because I never do. Now I have an answer! Your peaches look fantastic, it's been a bit since I've canned them, now I'm hungry for them!!

  3. always run empty if I run in the morning. Otherwise, I feel like crap and need to crap. lol

  4. A fourth of a cup of Fiber One, a few sips of water and I'm off. It's habit.

  5. I've been running in a glycogen depleted state for a year now...I've even gone up to 20 miles with it! I really like it and have totally adjusted to it. The key, of course, is to run an easy pace if you're going to make it!

  6. I always feel hungry when I run long. Typically I will eat a banana or something before I start. I guess at some point, I could try it. What is the worst that could happen?

  7. If I wake up starving then I might snack on something. Other than that I usually run on a empty stomach.

  8. Short runs I dont drink or eat anything, just get out of bed and go run. Longer runs I do try to eat a banana. I will have not eating anything. Thanks.I hate when I'm so busy I dont have time to think or just sit for 5 mins and relax.

  9. I hardly ever eat before my mid-week runs, but I always eat before a long run or race. I guess the same logic applies and the quote you included would support that. I might try it! One bonus is that it reduces the dreaded bathroom issue during the run :)

  10. If I am running in the morning, I cannot eat anything before it. I'm a weirdo like that. But if in the afternoon, then i try to eat foods that will "fuel" me especially to avoid bonking. To this day I remember the worse bonking I've ever had. I was in Germany training for my first triathlon and during my run I just ran out of fuel. I am talking I could barely walk. Legs felt like led and even though my mind was saying running, the legs just weren't cooperating. It was so weird.

    Asphalt & Trails

  11. I must fuel before a morning run. On race day I generally get up, eat 4 Eggo's with syrup (no butter) and then head out to the race. Since there's usually a couple of hours between eating and running, my stomach is pretty empty by the time the gun sounds, so a GU goes down pretty well.

  12. I've always been an early morning, empty stomach, runner. I do use Hammer Gel for longer runs (75 minutes or more) and add in Hammer Perpeteum for any run over 2 hours. On the mornings when I wake up hungry, I get myself out the door with the promise of something to good to eat afterwards!

  13. You have been a busy lady. Loved the burpees mid run. That is hardcore. I usually don't eat munch pre workout because my tummy always feels yucky. I do usually take a gel right before a longer race though.

  14. Love homecanned peaches... I am on my way!

    I used to run on an empty stomach or a bit of banana. Now I run later in the morning usually and will have breakfast first.

    When we did our sprints yesterday I made us a protein shake before we went out... small but something.

  15. On those random days when I get up before work to run at 5am, I'll just run on coffee....but those runs are never more than 3 miles. I'm not sure I could handle a long run without any food!

  16. I never eat before I run on my shorter runs throughout the week (up to 6 or 7 miles). For long runs I do eat, but usually something light and shortly before I run. I've read/heard that same thing before. They say the same thing about Gatorade or whatever that you should have it right before exercise or several hours before.

  17. I never fuel or eat before a run of any length. Before a race I will drink some Tailwind and take a gel sometimes right before the start, then I just fuel during the run. During training I only bring a drink/fuel if I am running 14 miles or longer.

  18. I usually eat about 2 hours (or 1 sometimes) before my run. However, if I run after work, it's been usually about 3 hours...so I guess it varies. However, I rarely fuel (or barely fuel) during the run itself.

    Those peaches look great! How do you process them and how do you eat them when you eat them later?


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