Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Attitude Adjustment: Enjoying the Gift

I was out running the other day about half way through a three mile run, there I was in the sunshine, running, and thinking about what a bummer it was that I was only doing three miles.  Three measly little miles.  I wanted to get a "good" run in.  I seem to define that as at least 5 miles but preferably 7 to 9 miles, when it hit me. 

Here I was RUNNING.  It felt good.  My foot were moving one in front of the other and it felt good.  My body was moving.  I closed my eyes for a couple of steps and enjoyed the freedom of the movement, the sunshine on my face and the coolness of the air around me.  Running is a gift.

Instead of resenting the miles I was running I vowed to enjoy the gift, every step.  No pressures for time, no pressures for distance.  I am sure that by being in such a hurry to get back to my sweet spot for running all I have done is delayed getting there.  Although I have stayed active, I have hardly ran since I hurt my foot at the start of October so I need to ease back into it.

Lots of people have commented how I do so good finding other things to do when I can't run.  Those things are all good and great, but running is where my heart is.  I have never really been one to wallow in self pity.. much, and I know that I feel better, sleep better and eat better when I workout.  I need something to keep me focused.  That isn't to say I haven't had moments where I wallowed because I have.  I have sulked around like a 13 year old denied a trip to the mall. I just don't let it take over my whole day.

I really think a lot of how happy you are is about your attitude.  I like to be happy (who doesn't?) so I force myself to focus on other things and see the bright side.  Right now 3 to 4 miles is pretty bright. The last couple of runs I have done I have concentrated on enjoying every step and being thankful for the miles I do get instead of resenting the ones I don't.


  1. It most certainly is a choice...a choice to look up at the sun and not down at the mud!!

  2. Couldn't agree more! Enjoy those miles :)

  3. I think being injured helped me to return to that place where I am able to appreciate every run. I want to be able to do this for as long as I can!

  4. This is definitely something I'm coming to terms with being pregnant and not being able to run anywhere near what I used to. But, I still get to run and it's still awesome, so I'll enjoy it.

  5. Being injured makes you appreciate the ability to run only one mile. Yay for 3!

  6. Sitting on the sidelines right now, I love this post. I keep reminding myself that I will never again take it for granted. It is a gift for sure.

  7. Such a nice post and it is so true. It is sooo had to be out of the game when you’re injured yet we rarely take the time to appreciate this gift when we’re not!

  8. Wahoo! Love this post and I am so happy for you!

  9. Still recovering, and while I am back to running, the "back to" part is taking a while longer. But this is a great post to put things in perspective. :)

    Maria @ The Good Life

  10. You're so right: happiness is all about attitude. SO glad you're up and running and enjoying it again!

  11. I remember feeling like this when I had my ACL surgery. Power walking ladies passed me when I first started to run again, but it was so good to actually run.

  12. Good for you! It really is all about the attitude.

    tara @ tara goes streaking

    ps... we follow each other on instagram. I just realized you had a blog now. lol I'm taranichole13.

  13. thank you for this attitude and enjoying those 3 little miles b/c I would give ANYTHING to run 3 miles...heck even ONE mile! 6mos and counting and my heart aches for it.
    you are an inspiration.....your patience will pay off. xxx


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