Monday, September 15, 2014

Omron Electrotherapy Unit Review and Giveaway

I am linking up today with Kristy @ Runaway Bridal Planner for a bloghop today after you enter this giveaway go and check out all the other giveaways on her blog.

I was recently sent the Omron ElectroTHERAPY TENS Pain Relief Pro unit to review.

What does TENS stand for and how does it work?

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation works by  attaching small electrodes to the skin by the area of the pain, small electrical pulses from a machine the size of a cell phone are delivered to the area. The electrical impulses feel like a tingly sensation and interfere with the transmission of pain signals to the brain, increases endorphins, and increases blood flow to the area. 

The Omron unit I was sent has 5 different pain modes
  • arm
  • lower back
  • leg
  • foot
  • joint
and 3 massage modes
  • tap
  • knead
  • rub
all the can be administered with 10 different intensity levels. 

I did worry that since it was a small home unit the intensity levels wouldn't be very high...wrong.  I can only stand it up to a 5!  My husband likes it set between 6-8. Clearly he is tougher than I am.  We do both agree it seems to help alleviate our lower back pain and after you get used to the tingly sensation it feels good.  I find it rather relaxing.

You don't have to worry about having to buy pads all the time for it since the ones that come with the unit are reusable and are good for up to 150 uses.  Awesome. That was for sure one of my worries.

It is set for 15 minutes and turns off automatically after that. They recommend no more that 30 minutes at a time and no more than 45 minutes in a day. 

Super easy to use
  • apply the pads
  • select mode
  • select intensity
  • hang out for 15 minutes and let it do it's thing
Want to win one of these to try for yourself?
comes with everything shown here

Disclaimer: I was sent the Omron's Electrotherapy TENS Unit for review purposes, I was in no other way compensated for this post.  I was not required to give a positive review all opinions are my own. The unit is valued at $69

I am also giving away a Build Your Running Body Book

"This is a blog hop with lots of bloggers and giveaways, lots of chances to win.  You can CLICK HERE to hop on over to the next giveaway in the list."


  1. I've never tried TENS outside of my chiropractor's office, but I know I love it when they do it there.

  2. I've never tried TENS before (aside from at my ART doc) but I always read about it and am super curious!

  3. I would LOVE to win this. They used electro therapy when I was going to the chiropractor a couple years ago. I'd love to not have to foot the $60.00 bill each time I go to get it though!

  4. No, but I would love to win this. I have lower back pain regularly.- Amy

  5. I've been curious about TENS, I think it could really help with my recovery! I really want to try it out!

  6. I have a loooong time ago when I was in a bad car accident and my insurance company paid for one.

  7. I've never tried TENS. I'd like to!

  8. Yes, during PT for bursitis in my hip!

  9. I have used TENS and would LOVE to win a home unit to use with my training!!!

  10. I really, really want this! I had one but my dog chewed it up!

  11. I haven't seen that TENS before but would love to try it out! cool.

  12. My exbf got a tens unit from craigslist and since we broke up last year, I've been without a tens unit. :-( I could use one after this weekends race!

  13. I've never tried TENS, but I just started training for marathon #3 and I'm pretty sure it would be beneficial!

  14. I love TENS units... I use them all over my body.

  15. I have never tried them. Seems intriguing.

  16. I have not tried TENS but I know my mother has used a similar unit in the past and raves about how well it worked for her.

  17. I heard about TENS for the first time about a month ago. As someone who experiences PF pain, I'm very curious to try it out!

  18. I have never tried them but I'm sure it would help me.

  19. I LOVE TENS. In college it was the only thing that alleviated my elbow tendonitis. I still love it on my lower back but haven't found a machine worth buying yet

  20. I tried it once when I was injured. I would love to win this!

  21. I haven't tried it but would like to! Omron products are awesome.

  22. yes i have tried it before, this would be perfect for my dad (alisa)

  23. My mother has one and I've tried hers. Works really well.
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  24. No never! Looks interesting though!

  25. I've never tried TENS but it would neat to have the opportunity to!

  26. I have never tried it but I would love to!

  27. I love getting TENS at the chiropractor, and I would love to do it at home!

  28. I've had TENS done at the physical therapist, but a home unit would be awesome!

  29. I haven't tried TENS before, but I've done some similar things in PT they are great tools for certain types of injury recovery to help get the blood flowing to increase healing!

  30. I have tried TENS before. It really helped my muscle pain!

  31. I have tried TENS before. I suffer from spondylolisthesis, so it was part of my treatment during physical therapy.

  32. No, I have never tried it before but my husband has a lot of joint pain so I'm hoping it might help him.

  33. I have not tried it but I have an aunt that uses a TENS machine and she loves it. My rheumatologist has told me that a TENS unit may help with my issues.

  34. I've used something similar during Physical Therapy for migraines. Great giveaway!

  35. I think I used something similar during PT..I would love one for home use!

    Side note: I liked the facebook pages from my blog page, Once Upon a Run, not my personal page (which I had to use to log into Rafflecopter).

  36. I have not tried it, but sounds like it could relieve some training pain and help recovery.

  37. I have not, but it seems great!

  38. No, I have never tried it, Would love to though.
    Jennifer Rote

  39. I have never used tens before but I think I would benefit greatly from it. I have lower back problem and I also have Cervical Dystonia. I stay as active as possible and I could use all the help I can get!

  40. I haven't...but would LOVE to have my own tricks at home for therapy!

  41. I haven't, but would LOVE to have one in my bag of tricks. I'm a birth doula, and have heard these can be helpful tools.

  42. I've never tried it but I've heard its great when you have really tight muscles

  43. TENS has worked miracles for my lower back and I'd SO love to win my very own unit!!

    Thanks for the amazing giveaway!

  44. I have and I have always wanted my own unit for home use!

  45. I have never tried TENS but I want to!


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