Friday, November 7, 2014

I am still cool

1. I can't say enough about the fall we have had.  Yesterday was another shorts and tank running kind of day.  It was in the 60s and not windy.

2. but don't worry winter is coming for us.

Yuck!  Going from a high of 63 Saturday to a high of 25 on Monday is going to be painful! I will have to break out the running tights, gloves, hats, and jacket.  I will probably think I am freezing.  So not ready for snow yet.

3.  I signed up for a 5k on my birthday which is also Thanksgiving and in a spurt of spontaneity signed up for the Street Mile as well.   I don't have to do it I guess if I don't feel like it, but I have done it in the past so why not.  I haven't done much sprinty speed work this year so I don't expect a PR or anything, but I haven't raced either distance this year so both will be a PR for the year by default.

4. I got fingerprinted a couple weeks ago to volunteer at the school in my kid's classrooms and was surprised to hear this week that I passed and can now volunteer. Okay I wasn't really surprised and my kids are excited for me to help in their classrooms.  I love that I am still cool.

5.  I bought a zombie mask on clearance at the grocery store yesterday on my way home from work and then hid behind the house and used it to scare my kids when they got home from school.  Yep, I am still cool.  I may have giggled as I put it in my shopping cart imagining their screams.

6. I had lent out my copy of Zuzka Light's 6 pack abs DVD and finally got it back this week.  It was every bit as awesome as I remembered and my abs are crying this morning. Speaking of Zuzka.. I have followed her for quite awhile and she is my top workout inspiration she just launched a new website and is on her own.  You can try it free this week.  Check it out at


  1. I can't believe you have 60's still!! we have dipped into the polar vortex and already had 8" of snow earlier this week! ugh. I don't even know why I live here still, I hate winter so much.

    And don't worry, I was cool until just about 4 months ago. Oldest turns 15 tomorrow and now everything I do is a complete embarrassment. I can't even laugh anymore. jeez.

  2. Those running shorts are cute! Which ones are they? And I think I'm in the minority but I'm pretty excited for the snow.....yay ski season! :) I'm glad it's warm tomorrow for the Moab half but after that, I want a powder day!

  3. Oh my gosh--are those single digits?! Nooooo! Thankfully around here those days are few and far between, usually a couple of mornings in January.

    It is great that you are still cool in your kids eyes--hold onto it. I will say, though, that my middle schooler has been surprisingly good about "allowing" me into his public life!

  4. I enjoy your posts. Your weather is so very different from mine. We are in completely different climates! I can't wait each year for our winter because it's the best time to run! I get to suffer through the summer.

  5. I had to break out the tights this weekend but then it was up to the 50s on Tuesday. It's been so weird here in Indiana.

    I love your item about the fingerprinting. I am always unnerved when I need a background check to volunteer as if they will find something on my record that didn't happen or I didn't know about - not that I have a record! Ha!

  6. oh no! Hitting the 20's will be torture! 1 kid thinks I'm still cool and the other 1 not so much;)

  7. Yes you are still cool!! We are due for some 20s over night here in RI. it is November after all... Maybe there will be one more tank top run?

  8. Dude, I see a snowflake in that forecast. NOT. COOL. haha It's supposed to get down to the 30s for the HIGHS by the end of next week here in TN. I'm all for cooler weather, but GEEZ, can we have a little fall before we jump right into that?!

  9. YIKES! That is a big drop in temps. Maybe it won't last too long.

  10. Haha! I am imagining you giggling as you are putting the mask in your cart. I cannot imagine my mom doing that, although now I may have to get a mask and go and scare my friend's kids. It sounds like a lot of fun!


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