Thursday, April 23, 2015

Tiger Balm Ultra Review and Giveaway

I was sent a small box of Tiger Balm products to try out recently.  I hadn't tried them before, but it seems like I always have an aching lower or upper back and if I don't my husband does so this was

 I was sent a tub of the Tiger Balm Ultra Strength pain relieving ointment as well as 10 sample sizes of the Ultra Strength Ointment and a box of 5 of the Tiger Balm Pain Relieving Patches with advanced hydrogel patch technology.
My favorite is the ointment, mostly because when you put it on you can massage it in and who doesn't like a massage, on a sore area, with pain relieving ointment?  The patch is great if you are in a hurry, you can just put it on and go.

My biggest complaint about the ointment is the strong smell, but as long as I am hanging out at home I don't mind it.  I wouldn't wear it too work, but it is great at bed time or after a long day at work.  My husband agrees.   He has been spending some very long days in the saddle and building fences lately so he has been getting the benefit of this for sure!

What makes this over a 100 year old ointment work so great? 

Tiger Balm contains ingredients like oil from clove, wintergreen, spike lavender, eucalyptus, cinnamon, and cajuput, as well as camphor, capsicum and condroitin sulfate which all work together to help relieve sore muscles and joints.

Want to try the Ultra Strength Pain Relieving Ointment for yourself?  One person will win a full size version of the Tiger Balm Ultra for sure


  1. I use a similar product called China Gel. I actually love the smell. It reminds me of Vicks, which my mom used on us when we were kids! There's something comforting about that smell...

  2. I got an ultra on Saturday. I think I will need this everywhere on Sunday! :-)

  3. My shoulders/lower back. I'm training for a half ironman and after most workouts, even though I foam roll it out I still have some areas that need extra attention/relief.

  4. My quads! I just signed up for a marathon with over 5,000 feet elevation loss. Downhill all the way, my quads are going to be so angry.

  5. My quads always need some help! :)

  6. My lower back, on the left side, is always an issue!

  7. I'm training for a 50 mile race and I hurt all over, lol. P.S. I used Tiger Balm years and years ago when I ran in college. Good stuff, and I kind of liked the smell.

  8. I'm training for a 50 mile race and I hurt all over, lol. P.S. I used Tiger Balm years and years ago when I ran in college. Good stuff, and I kind of liked the smell.

  9. I am training hills hard these days, would love to give my legs some relief!

  10. I would love to use this on my knees and ankles.

  11. WOW... what part of me doesn't ache these days as a single Mom of 3.. I feel like I am constantly on the move and these old bones are creaking and popping! I really NEED some HELP! Nicole Bowers,

  12. For me, I would have to go with my back - shaunie

  13. My son plays high school soccer so he constantly has aches and pains. He especially needs it for his back.

  14. I need this for my back and shoulders.

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  15. Definitely my knees, probably my ankles too!

  16. My shoulder need it so bad. Thanks for the chance.

  17. I would love to win this! Knees and lower back in much need, lol!

  18. My shoulders need this the most.

  19. I can think of half a dozen places I need this, but I guess knees and shoulders will have to come first

  20. My husband could definitely use this on his shoulders and arms,

  21. As I get closer to 50, my hips seem to bother me most.

  22. My husband uses this for his back

  23. My knee needs the pain relieve the most.

  24. My back and shoulder need these awesome products!
    Thank You for the chance

    Fiona N

  25. My lower back. After having 8 kids, my back always hurts.

  26. Definitely the back and shoulders!

  27. I'm dealing with a hip issue. I hadn't thought of ointments and essential oils until a friend suggested lemongrass oil. I'd be interested in trying this to see if it helps.

  28. My legs need Tiger Balm Ultra most.

  29. My mid to lower back needs it but I was thinking for my husband because he's a military drill instructor and could use some for his legs!

  30. I need this most on my shoulders & neck!

  31. My shoulders and calves!

  32. Definitely my lower back is where I need this.

  33. My mom could really use this on her lower back.

  34. My back and knees need this the most.


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