
Friday, November 20, 2015

First Snowy Run Day and Current Goals

Tuesday was my first snowy run day of the season.  There wasn't all that much snow and it was practically all melted off by the time I was done, but it was beautiful

I wore my holiday tech "sweater" from INKnBURN for a festive feeling run.

By the time I got back to my car the road was muddy!

It's felt great to be in a not training for anything mode. No distances to hit, no times to shoot for just running and enjoying the time outside with my little dog.  I do sort of have goals for right now...

  • Crosstraining - I feel like I had been slacking off here.  I have been back to 3-4 times a week of HIIT workouts. I think I had fallen back to like 1 or two a week.
  • Yoga - I was really slacking off here.  I am back to once or twice a week
  • Running - No worrying about pace or distance just running.  Getting out on trails as much as possible, running more hills, and enjoying the scenery/

My next half marathon will be in March so soon I will be back to training.  I have been regularly doing long runs of 8-9 miles so building the distance won't be the focus as much as building up my speed again. Although I have considered relaxing my speed goals a bit and just enjoying an easier training cycle.

I had to share this photo of my little dog enjoying the view and no doubt wondering where we were running next.

How is your fall training going? Any races coming up? Do you love not being on a training plan sometimes? I do.


  1. I love that "sweater"! I can't imagine having snow. Does Cola like to play in it? It was 70 here yesterday. I've been on a weird alternate training plan due to injury. I'm ready for that to be over with and get back to running.

  2. I would love the snow, but not the mud!

  3. I'm right there with you on the just running to love it lately! Nothing on the plan means I get to just run!!

  4. 2 weeks post marathon and I am enjoying not having any structure in my running! I did a hard trail run yesterday that won't hurt my weekend long run because I'm not dong one ;)

  5. I'm loving not being on a training plan! The snow will be here tomorrow...

  6. We got our first snow of the season yesterday. 2-3 inches. I was not ready for that; and wish it would have stayed south of us into Iowa like they had been predicting at the beginning of the week! Your goals sound great right now; a nice healthy mix!


Because I love hearing from you all!