Monday: Kids were out of school for Christmas break so I took my son up to my Grandma's house and ran from there. The roads were very snowy, but thankfully my brother had just blazed a trail through the snow with a truck taking salt up to the cows so I had a path to run on. 8.28 miles.
Clearly one of these cows was not like the other and doesn't belong. My brother assured me that his name is Henry and he is fairly harmless. Those horns just looks so crazy!
Tuesday: Work day. 24 minute HIIT in the morning before work. Body weight and with weights.
Wednesday: 7.25 miles fairly flat run. Cola hates selfies
Thursday: Work day (half day) Rest day
Friday: Christmas Day! 12 minute HIIT
Saturday: 8 miles, hilly run 24 minute HIIT Sunshine and no wind made the 14 degree weather feel awesome! I love winter running!
Sunday 7 mile run. Once again lovely winter running weather.
A random lovely shot of my sisters horses as I was running by
and a wandering cow trail I was running on since no one has bothered to drive through here lately.
Check out the etiquette here
All in all a great Christmas week and the kids have had so much fun sledding and playing in the snow.