
I know we are already 10 days into 2012, but I don't think it is too late to set goals for the year.  I have been thinking these over for awhile now.

1. Drink more water.  Fill up my water bottles in the morning.  Chug from them all day. Bring a water bottle to work to drink out of, fill it up first thing in the morning, drink from it.

2. Wear sunscreen more.  Wear it on EVERY run.  I have not been very good about this lately and I am a pale redhaired person that burns easily. The problem is I HATE the feel of sunscreen on my skin.  Makes me want to take a shower. I am going to splurge for good stuff for my face so I don't hate it quite so bad.

3. Run  1500 miles this year.  This means an average of 125 miles a month or roughly 28 miles a week.  I ran just over 1000 miles last year.  I didn't keep track before April and it all got deleted off my Garmin.  I also didn't log all my runs over the summer in Dailymile.  So it says I have 840 or so for last year but I know I had more. 

4. Eat less sugar. No more running into the gas station for a bag of Skittles on my way home from work, or gummy worms, or Starburst.  This is not to say I am cutting out sugar entirely, just minimizing it.   I was getting a little excessive there for awhile.

5.Run faster :)

6. Read the kids a bedtime story every night, unless we have something going on and they fall asleep first. We usually read two or three books at bedtime now.  I just want to keep it up.  I love this time with them.

7. Keep running clothes in my car so when the opportunity presents itself I can knock out a quick run. 

 Pretty simple I know.  I may add more goals to it as the year goes on.

I really want to get my 5k time under 21 minutes.  I think this is pretty reasonable.  My goal for this was to get my 5k pace under 7 minute miles.  That's done x3, so now I want to get under  under 21 minutes.

Race                             Personal Best                    Goal
5k                                     21:01                          under 20
5 mile                                33:59                          under 33:30
10k                                   44:15                          under  43
1/2 marathon                  1:37:08                          under 1:35

I got these numbers off Running Worlds Training Calculator , and  plugged in a 5k goal time, to see where I need to be training to get these numbers.

Based on your 5 kilometers race time of 00:20:50, the paces of your different training runs should be:
8:34 min/mile Easy run training pace  
7:08 min/mile Tempo run training pace  
6:25 min/mile Maxmum oxygen training pace  
5:57 min/mile Speed form training pace  
8:34 - 9:41 min/mile Long run training pace  
3:17 min/800 Yasso 800s training pace